Pastor Dino Rosato answered his calling from the Lord on October 1, 2000. Although called from a very young age, he ran from his calling, attempting to find happiness in sports, popularity, women, financial success, material gain and drugs. To his disappointment, none of these satisfied. At the age of 26, he had everything he had set out to accomplish and yet was still not content. His most noted testimony is, “I had everything I wanted; A beautiful home, my own business, a new car, multiple women, and a lot of money; and finally came to the realization that if I made a million more dollars, I will simply own more houses, more businesses, more vehicles, sleep with more women and still be empty!

“Pastor Dino says:

“Most people are looking for their purpose in nouns (people, places, & things), to complete their lives or make themselves whole. They say, “If I just get this job, car, house, wife, husband, child or even my health back; then I’ll be happy.” What they fail to realize is that nothing in this world other than God Himself, is perfect. And that it is impossible for something that is imperfect to make someone perfect or whole. If we simply remember the novelty of a new gift we received and how quickly the appeal of it faded over time, we wouldn’t be so quick to run after things that soon perish (1 Tim 6:7). There is only one that is eternal, who will never leave us nor forsake us; He is God alone (Heb 13:5)! If your purpose is found in anything else you are sure to be let down since nothing in this world is forever, other than the Lord God Almighty and His love. Although we may find fulfillment in certain areas of our lives we are sure to lack in others. People long for LOVE, and this is what they were created for. The Word of God declares that He is Love and He is Truth. Therefore if any person is on a journey for True Love they will soon learn it does not exist outside Jesus Christ who is Love (1John 4:16), who is Truth (John 14:6), who is God (John 20:28) and continues to make Himself known. This is why the Word of God says, “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,” (Acts 17:26-27). God irrefutably can be heard, felt, experienced, and known! It is the Lord’s will to have a real tangible personal relationship with every human being, unfortunately, all too often, it is not ours. There are only three possible ways to analyze this statement. Either Jesus Christ and the millions (most who were not believers prior to their conversion, including myself) who claim to have experienced the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, are crazy, compulsive liars, or are simply telling the truth. Why would people risk being scoffed at, ridiculed, ostracized, beat, imprisoned or killed for none of the personal gains they sought prior to experiencing the love of God? The answer is simply because they found and understand TRUE LOVE, who is JESUS CHRIST and are willing to lose family, friends, finances, businesses, and even their lives to tell people the TRUTH! I sincerely pray that people would understand that religion and philosophy can never fill the never ending void in our hearts that God Himself has intended and desires to fill for us!”

Pastor Dino founded Harvester Of Souls International Ministries in September of 2006, after serving faithfully for 7 years under the Apostleship of Thomas E. Simpson, Sr. of ITM Incorruptible Word Of Faith Tabernacle, where he was ordained as an elder. He is the husband of his favorite preacher, Nicole Rosato and the proud father of their son Joshua Emmanuel Rosato. He is known and respected as a true man of integrity and power. Called as God’s prophet to the nations, he has an accurate and timely word in his mouth. His sincere prayer, is that through declaring the testimony of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified, that the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit be manifested through signs, miracles and wonders; that our faith would not rest in the enticing words of man’s wisdom but in the Power of God (1 Cor 2:1-5)!



Pastor Nicole surrendered her life to the Lord on October 8, 2001 after running from years of upbringing in the church. She is a miracle testimony of God’s mercy, grace, and restoration power. Pastor Nicole is the only surviving sibling of 5 brothers and sisters, all of whom were brutally murdered in the horrific epidemic of the modern day genocide of innocent children known as abortion. A product of a so called love affair, her mother and father never married, soon separated and were both addicted to drugs. It wasn’t long before tragedy struck and stole her innocence. At the tender age of 5 she was molested by her baby sitter’s 25 year old brother and again at 7 by her mother’s boyfriend. At 8 she was experimenting with homosexuality and by 15 already had an abortion and was sneaking out to make money stripping in night clubs. Abusive relationships soon followed and thus began the journey for love, purpose, peace and happiness.

Pastor Nicole says:

Having your innocence stolen at such a young age is devastating. It shatters your image of pure, true love and distorts it into the notion that sex equates love. I believe most women dream of a white wedding, with prince charming coming to save them but the sad reality is that a life of rejection resulting in low self esteem, leads to false hopes. A disease left untreated only gets worse. Sadly enough, I became what I hated. From a young age I knew it was wrong to dress provocative. I hated to see the way my mother would put herself on display, as men would gawk at her with their eyes and make lustful comments. From this I learned the manipulating power of seduction. Receiving attention at such a young age created a false feeling of acceptance (popularity) and self importance (vanity). This opened the door to my first relationship with an older man at the age of 13. Due to his years of experience, I was exposed to a life no child could be expected to handle. A vicious cycle began to ensue. I came to experience that, the one that you want doesn’t want you and the one that wants you, you don’t want. My relationships were based on superficiality (sex, money, status, looks, etc…) and therefore are based on a lie. When going out to bars, clubs, or events I would notice most putting on an act, portraying themselves to be something they were not. I began to understand that character is who you really are and reputation is who people perceived you to be. The problem I found was that most people wore a mask.  People made phony relationships based on who they wanted people to think they were and therefore had to maintain a false image in order to maintain those shallow relationships. I found that most people either, didn’t know, or even like who they really were! They claimed to keep it real but in fact were not real at all. I noticed people pulling up to red lights, listening to their favorite love song and turn it down simply because they cared what the person driving next to them, who they didn’t even know, thought!   The truth of the matter is that outside of Jesus Christ, every person’s life is a lie, to a greater or lesser degree. For example, in the average relationship, a person out of fear of loss or power to control, reveals only the parts of themselves they want the other to see; whether it is as little as 1% or as much as 99%, anything less than 100% is not the whole truth and therefore 100% all LIE. How can true love be experienced if it is founded on a lie? The answer is, it can’t! This identity crisis leads to even deeper issues. As children, all we needed was love and affection to sustain us. Sex, money, drugs, and status had no place in our lives. Most of us were so happy when a friend  would simply just spend the night. Now we have become so desensitized that we think we need these false hopes to be content! I am a living witness that the day I called on Jesus Christ from the depths of my heart, He heard my prayer, forgave my sins, changed my heart, allowed me to love and live again and became the love I was always looking for! It is because of experiencing this wonder working power of Savior’s love, that I can stand before you today, proclaiming that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:17) and that I am able to truly love and forgive, even those who hurt me the most!

Pastor Nicole helped found Harvester of Souls International Ministries along with with her husband Dino in September of 2006. She served faithfully for 6 years under the Apostleship of Thomas E. Simpson, Sr. of ITM Incorruptible Word of Faith Tabernacle, where she received her eldership ordination. She is a remarkable Prayer Warrior, Intercessor, Praise and Worship leader, Preacher, Mother, and Prophetess of the living God! She proudly married the man whom she first heard preach the gospel with conviction. After two miscarriages and seven years of believing and standing on God’s Word she was blessed with her son Joshua Emmanuel Rosato. She believes in the power of personal testimony, obedience, love unfeigned and a pure heart (Rev 12:11, 1 Pet 1:22). Her sincere prayer is for all to truly know the reality and healing power (mind, body, & spirit) of the Savior’s LOVE and His ability to perfectly restore the hopeless and most shattered of lives.